榮彥企業股份有限公司 1980年成立, 負責人潘昭材先生。 公司專營服飾品及工藝禮品設計製造內外銷 , 所設計的「可隨意變換花樣圍巾」曾榮獲第一屆國家精品獎 , 隨著大環境的改變.公司經營層有感於今後要在台灣立足生存且能走得出去 ,必須要自創品牌及不斷研發創新產品. 故於 1996年再集資成立彼得潘藝術有限公司. 特以「彼得潘Peter Pan」品牌專門為設計文化產業紀念品, 禮贈品、擺飾品為願景來行銷海內外。
「彼得潘」所設計的地方文化特色產品 「赤崁樓瓷版畫」曾榮獲台南市政府甄選贈送外賓禮品競賽第一名 ,其他多項工藝禮品亦獲受獎於經濟部中小企業處、國立台灣工藝研究所、外貿協會、台灣創意設計中心等單位 ,目前更積極配合政府推廣文化創意產業的開發 ,結合國立故宮博物院、 歷史博物館及地方政府及藝術家等開發一系列紀念品和地方性特色產品, 來提昇產業形象與價值 。
Royen Enterprise Co., Ltd established in 1980 found by the director Mr .Pan .We are the specialist in the field of Garment accessories .like Scarves ,winter hats and gloves and divisional art craft gifts for import and export .The award won 4 fold use scarves , Has won us the「Taiwan Excellent Design」award .We sense that to be in the top lead and compatible art gift company in Taiwan .We are constantly exploring the new ideas of products or renovate to come out with some thing new .So it became the foreshadow of Peter Pan art co.,ltd in 1996 , Ever since than Peter Pan become our new brand specifically in creating Culture art souvenirs and art gifts for all suitable occasions and a long run export business for us .
The culture art souvenir created by Peter Pan Art CO.,LTD The Chikan Tower porcelain printing even won the 「Number 1」 in the souvenir award and appointed to represent to the Foreign guest and the guest of the honor as gifts ,Other Created art gift items make from Peter Pan are also covered up the awards in the national art & craft center ,and The world trade design office .ect